William Liley

Chartered Financial Planner, APFS

Our Practice philosophy focuses upon maintaining a long-term, trusted relationship with clients, showing distinct quality, integrity and excellence, which in turn gives both private and business clients financial peace of mind. The level of satisfaction may be judged by the fact that most new clients come to us as a result of personal recommendation by existing clients.

In addition to the experience and expertise provided by members of the St. James's Place Partnership, products and services from other providers have been carefully selected to complement and enhance the range of St. James's Place products on offer. We believe the providers represent the ‘best of breed’ in their respective categories and are capable of delivering the high standards you would expect.


I began my financial services career with SG Warburg (later SBC Warburg) in the City of London in 1989. Four years later, I decided to move into the travel industry and it was during this time that I met and married my wife, Judith, and settled in West Sussex. A return to financial services followed, working as a representative for Winterthur Life and a Senior Wealth Manager for Lloyds Private Banking where I achieved my Diploma in Financial Planning in 2004.

Having spent 10 years in Bancassurance, I was delighted to be asked to join St. James's Place, as an Associate Partner Practice in July 2008. Having bought a Practice in April 2009 things have moved on apace. The current team consists of Susannah Gates who is my paraplanner which primarily involves research and report writing, and Lisa Van Biene who is Practice Manager.

The Partner Practice has gone from strength to strength with our core values being regular and high quality client contact, backed by a strong investment proposition. The team is dedicated to providing a first class service to all our clients and as always we welcome introductions to new clients who would benefit from our expertise and the high quality suite of products we provide through St. James's Place.

In July 2018 I achieved Charted status and I am now an Associate of the Personal Finance Society.

I live in Storrington and am married to Judith and have three daughters. I enjoy Rugby and Cricket (watching these days), walking the dogs, mental challenges and travel.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.


Prestigious industry status recognises the value I place on my development and gives clients the confidence that they are supported by one of the UK’s leading wealth professionals.

Click on the accreditations for more information

The Partner Practice is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James's Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website www.sjp.co.uk/products. The ‘St. James's Place Partnership’ and the titles ‘Partner’ and ‘Partner Practice’ are marketing terms used to describe St. James's Place representatives.

William Liley Financial Services Ltd is registered in England and Wales, Number 6848416. Registered Office: Barford House, Thakeham Road, Storrington, West Sussex, RH20 3NQ.