
Many sports professionals earn good money, and rightly so. Particularly because, as a professional sportsman or woman, your career span may be shorter than the rest of us. 

So it’s doubly important that the money you’ve made is carefully and expertly managed, so that you can enjoy a long and happy retirement – or second career. 

I have helped many men and women make the most of life after professional sport and enjoy true financial wellbeing. 

Life after sport 

Nobody can predict how long you may be playing or coaching, but I can help you prepare for the next stage of life and how to aim towards your new life goals. Expert financial guidance really does come into its own, and you’ll have peace of mind that your financial plans and tax planning are match-fit for life after sport.

The golden rule 

Every single piece of advice that I give follows one golden rule – does it bring your personal goals one step closer? By putting you at the heart of everything I do, I hope that we’ll continue to have a longstanding, perhaps lifelong relationship, built on trust and empathy.

A key part of your team 

Just like sporting success, financial success and wellbeing often depends on a small team of professional experts. I will work alongside your existing agent, accountant, solicitor or tax adviser so that your financial advice is part of a complete and holistic approach to your financial wellbeing.

As a member of the St. James's Place Partnership, I have access to some of the most highly-regarded professionals working in financial services today. When required, I can call upon this resource to provide you with the best possible advice.

Got a question?

If you would like to speak to us about a particular issue or wish to find out more about the specialist advice services we offer around financial planning for sports professionals, please get in touch.